
Case (aka "Ticket") comments # WIP


  • TenantID - How your specific customer instance is identified, this will be a number. Find this in the app Help (?) icon > MotionCX Voice > Tenant:
  • TicketID - Case number.\
  • Comment - enter a string to put on the ticket as a comment.
  • Type - 0 for internal only comment and 1 for public comment.
  • Status - Open 0 or closed 1.
  • UserID - ID column in Administration > Users
  • ReopenIfNeeded - Tue to re-open, False to do nothing to Status.
  • SendEmail - True to Send, False to not send an email.
  • CreateHistory - Every comment creates history. Not sending a comment and making createHistory to false will not leave a history line.
  • UseEmptyBodyTemplate - Contact support for advanced options.
  • EmailTemplateID - Contact support for advanced options.
  • Origin - Source of who or what did the comment, it can be Email Inbound, Outbound, CustomerSupport, etc.
  • It is recommended advanced filter object be done outside of the API document for best results.

Responses available:

  • 200
  • 401
  • 403

Example return:

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!