
Interaction Details from Reporting API

  • Interaction - The end-to-end communications with a particular agent and user through a particular channel.
  • Authentication required, please visit this page for Authentication How To.


  • Queues - Queues can be pulled from the Queue API call
  • Filter If left blank all values are returned. If fields added only chosen fields will be returned.
  • StartDateTime - When to start pulling data from API.
  • EndDateTime - When to stop pulling data from API.
  • RelativePeriodStart - To start query one of multiple days in the future, 1,2, etc. or to do in past -1, -2, etc.
  • RelativePeriodEnd - To end query one of multiple days in the future, 1,2, etc. or to do in past -1, -2, etc.
  • RelativeTimeZone For API information about Times Zone, please visit this page on Time Zones.
    • When left blank the default is UTC.
    • Date ranges can be in ISO format.
  • DateFilterField - Any of the specific date fields can be used as a filter.
  • Resolution - Size periods of the request. Can be by quarter hour, 1 hour, or 1 day.
  • Fields - See Reporting API Field Definitions
  • OrderBy - Any string in the result can be used to order the results.
  • Limit - Limits the number of search results.
  • Offset - This value goes along with Limit. The offset is where the limit starts.
    • Ex. A user wants 10 results, but doesn't want the first 15 displayed. A Limit of "10" and an Offset of "15" would give results 16 through 25.
  • It is recommended advanced filter object be done outside of the API document for best results.

Responses available:

  • 200
  • 401
  • 403

Example return::

      "_id": "62deb3372ffcd28a9d589dd4",
      "InteractionId": "3f3483cd-8ad4-4304-ba78-9f9d61d17ba4",
      "InteractionIdStr": "3f3483cd-8ad4-4304-ba78-9f9d61d17ba4",
      "StartedDateTimeUtc": "2022-07-25T15:08:57.025Z",
      "EndedDateTimeUtc": "2022-07-25T15:17:05.422Z",
      "FirstQueuedAtUtc": null,
      "FirstDequeuedAtUtc": null,
      "FirstAcceptedAtUtc": "2022-07-25T15:09:09.823Z",
      "FirstDeliveredAtUtc": "2022-07-25T15:09:02.364Z",
      "AbandonedAtUtc": null,
      "EndedReason": 20,
      "EventCount": 52,
      "CurrentQueueCount": 0,
      "AgentReplyCount": 0,
      "CustomerReplyCount": 0,
      "AgentFirstResponseTime": null,
      "TotalTimeWaitingOnAgent": null,
      "TotalTimeWaitingOnCustomer": null,
      "TotalTalkTime": 32.5941229,
      "TotalRingTime": 7.4597789,
      "TotalHoldTime": 27.7560036,
      "TotalMuteTime": 323.08310220000004,
      "WorkflowTime": null,
      "HoldCount": 4,
      "MuteCount": 4,
      "LongestTimeWaitingOnAgent": null,
      "LongestTimeWaitingOnCustomer": null,
      "FirstRollupAtUtc": "2022-07-25T15:19:17.214Z",
      "MostRecentRollupAtUtc": "2022-07-25T15:19:17.214Z",
      "QueueId": null,
      "TicketId": null,
      "TenantId": 2,
      "AgentId": 10614,
      "AgentFirstName": "Agent First Name",
      "AgentLastName": "Agent Last Name",
      "RoutingProfileId": 6,
      "ANI": "+16146183900",
      "DNIS": "+16144541293",
      "FromCity": null,
      "FromState": null,
      "FromZip": null,
      "FromCountry": null,
      "StirVerstat": null,
      "ChannelUniqueIdentifier": "3f3483cd-8ad4-4304-ba78-9f9d61d17ba4",
      "ChannelProviderType": 2,
      "ChannelType": 2,
      "ServiceLevelSeconds": 0,
      "Direction": 1,
      "IsCRMUpdateEvent": false,
      "DataErrorDetected": false,
      "StartedDateUtc": "2022-07-25T00:00:00Z",
      "EndedDateUtc": "2022-07-25T00:00:00Z",
      "InteractionTime": 488.3968609,
      "AcceptTime": 7.4597789,
      "QueuedTime": null,
      "AbandonedTime": null,
      "StartedEpoch": 1658761737,
      "StartedEpochDate": 1658707200,
      "StartedEpochQuarterHour": 1658761200,
      "StartedEpochHour": 1658761200,
      "EndedEpoch": 1658762225,
      "EndedEpochDate": 1658707200,
      "EndedEpochHour": 1658761200,
      "EndedEpochQuarterHour": 1658762100,
      "RecordWrittenAtUtc": "2022-07-25T15:19:17.214Z",
      "RecordWrittenAtEpoch": 1658762100,
      "FirstQueuedEpoch": null,
      "FirstDequeuedEpoch": null,
      "FirstAcceptedEpoch": 1658761749,
      "FirstDeliveredEpoch": 1658761742,
      "AbandonType": 0,
      "IsInServiceLevel": -1,
      "AgentHandleTime": 483.0579721,
      "IsAnswered": true,
      "IsAbandoned": false,
      "HasQueued": false,
      "WasDelivered": true,
      "AbandonedQuarterHourUtc": null,
      "AbandonedHourUtc": null,
      "AbandonedDayUtc": null,
      "EndedDayUtc": "2022-07-25T05:00:00Z",
      "EndedHourUtc": "2022-07-25T15:00:00Z",
      "EndedQuarterHourUtc": "2022-07-25T15:15:00Z",
      "FirstAcceptedDayUtc": "2022-07-25T05:00:00Z",
      "FirstAcceptedHourUtc": "2022-07-25T15:00:00Z",
      "FirstAcceptedQuarterHourUtc": "2022-07-25T15:00:00Z",
      "FirstQueuedDayUtc": null,
      "FirstQueuedHourUtc": null,
      "FirstQueuedQuarterHourUtc": null,
      "AbandonedApplied": 0,
      "AnsweredApplied": 1,
      "IsInServiceLevelApplied": 0,
      "ServiceLevelApplies": 0,
      "StartedDayUtc": "2022-07-25T05:00:00Z",
      "StartedHourUtc": "2022-07-25T15:00:00Z",
      "StartedQuarterHourUtc": "2022-07-25T15:00:00Z",
      "TotalWaitTime": null
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!