
This call shows edits a current Workstate Sets and associated values.

  • A WorkState Set is multiple Workstates arranged together and set on the Routing Profile, Administration > Interaction Admin > Routing Profiles.
  • Administration > Interaction Admin > Workstate Sets.
  • Authentication required, please visit this page for Authentication How To.


  • TenantID - How your specific customer instance is identified, this will be a number. Find this in the app Help (?) icon > MotionCX Voice > Tenant:
  • Name - What the new Workstate Set will be called.
  • Description - More detail on what the Workstate Set does.
  • Workstates - The Workstates to be included in this set. This call lists Workstate IDs.
  • ID - Id of Workstate Set to be edited.
  • It is recommended advanced filter object be done outside of the API document for best results.

Responses available:

  • 200
  • 401
  • 403

Example return:

  "id": 8,
  "tenantId": 2,
  "name": "new name"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!