
This call lists all phone extensions.


  • TenantID - How your specific customer instance is identified, this will be a number. Find this in the app Help (?) icon > MotionCX Voice > Tenant:
  • HasUser - Filter by user assigned extensions.
  • HasVoiceMailEnabled - if the extension has a voice mail associated with it.
  • It is recommended advanced filter object be done outside of the API document for best results.

Responses available:

  • 200
  • 401
  • 403

Example return:

    "agentName": "agent0 load",
    "tenantId": 2,
    "userId": 13619,
    "extension": "13619",
    "settings": {
      "extensionType": 1,
      "voicemailEnabled": false,
      "voicemailGreeting": null
    "agentName": "agent1 load",
    "tenantId": 2,
    "userId": 13620,
    "extension": "13620",
    "settings": {
      "extensionType": 1,
      "voicemailEnabled": false,
      "voicemailGreeting": null
    "agentName": "agent4 load",
    "tenantId": 2,
    "userId": 13621,
    "extension": "13621",
    "settings": {
      "extensionType": 1,
      "voicemailEnabled": false,
      "voicemailGreeting": null
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!