
Case (aka "Ticket") details from Reporting API


  • Queues A place where interactions wait until an available agent with an appropriate
    routing profile. A queue is a location where work items can be delivered for distribution to agents.
  • Filter If left blank all values are returned. If fields added only chosen fields will be returned.
  • DateFilterField - Which field the date range applies to.
  • StartDateTime - When to start pulling data from API.
  • EndDateTime - When to stop pulling data from API.
  • RelativePeriodStart - To start query one of multiple days in the future, 1,2, etc. or to do in past -1, -2, etc.
  • RelativePeriodEnd - To end query one of multiple days in the future, 1,2, etc. or to do in past -1, -2, etc.
  • Time Zones For API information about Times Zone, please visit this page on Time Zones.
  • Resolution - Size periods of the request. Can be by quarter hour, 1 hour, or 1 day.
  • Fields - See Reporting API Field Definitions
  • OrderBy - Any string in the result can be used to order the results.
  • Limit - Limits the number of search results.
  • Offset - This value goes along with Limit. The offset is where the limit starts.
    • Ex. A user wants 10 results, but doesn't want the first 15 displayed. A Limit of "10" and an Offset of "15" would give results 16 through 25.
  • It is recommended advanced filter object be done outside of the API document for best results.

Responses available:

  • 200
  • 401
  • 403

Example return:

  "resultCode": 0,
  "resultCodeName": "Success",
  "data": [
      "Id": 2336837,
      "TenantIdGuid": null,
      "Status": 0,
      "Priority": 5,
      "Subject": "Subject Header",
      "QueueId": 2051,
      "QueueName": "My Rog queue",
      "FileStore": "eea7852d-754d-9a98-916a-909a8c8f329d",
      "CreatedAt": "2021-12-03T16:23:42.1299975",
      "CreatedByIdGuid": null,
      "CreatedByName": "Demo Agent Name",
      "CreatedByEmail": "[email protected]",
      "UpdatedDate": "2021-12-03T16:23:42.1299975",
      "DueDate": null,
      "AssignedAt": null,
      "AssignedToIdGuid": null,
      "AssignedToEmail": null,
      "AssignedToName": null,
      "ClosedAt": null,
      "ClosedByIdGuid": null,
      "ClosedByEmail": null,
      "ClosedByName": null,
      "Source": 1,
      "CreatedQueueId": 2051,
      "LockedByIdGuid": null,
      "LockedUntil": "2022-04-01T14:23:15.2695432",
      "ReasonId": null,
      "Description": "<p>egwdff  twegsvcxzg</p>",
      "AssignedToId": null,
      "ClosedById": null,
      "CreatedById": 10614,
      "LockedById": 10614,
      "TenantId": 2,
      "UpdatedById": 10614,
      "IRWorkItemInfoDetails": "{\n  \"relatedInteractionId\": null,\n  \"interactionId\": \"3e6dc92d-87d3-4ba4-9a1f-6a0f264fa21f\",\n  \"interactions\": null,\n  \"channelUniqueIdentifier\": \"L2j2Xgq2MOt6kGPGuwFQQW-us\",\n  \"channelProvider\": \"BotFramework_Chat\",\n  \"channelType\": 1,\n  \"tenantId\": 2,\n  \"queueId\": 2051,\n  \"correlationId\": null,\n  \"variables\": {\n    \"client.id\": \"submit\",\n    \"card.customer_first_name\": \"Demo Agent Name\",\n    \"card.customer_email\": \"[email protected]\",\n    \"client.account\": \"Internal\",\n    \"card.comment\": \"Testing Testing\",\n    \"interactionid\": \"3e6dc92d-87d3-4ba4-9a1f-6a0f264fa21f\",\n    \"workflowserverhost\": \"workflow-api-6b879976c5-mt8nw\",\n    \"workflowid\": \"3441511d-12b7-e14d-5b97-81f6b0e8a8d7\",\n    \"tenantid\": \"2\"\n  },\n  \"token\": \"wxNiiaR8sXs.zZekLH5PSi-MUs_Gng-sl-jFehiHZHODyoatQYXszvo\",\n  \"direction\": 0,\n  \"state\": 0,\n  \"workitemId\": 0,\n  \"agentId\": null,\n  \"workItemRequested\": {\n    \"interactionId\": \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\",\n    \"ticketId\": 0,\n    \"editModeSettings\": {\n      \"contactSettings\": null\n    },\n    \"workItemId\": 0,\n    \"createdAt\": \"0001-01-01T00:00:00\",\n    \"lastStateChangeAt\": \"0001-01-01T00:00:00\",\n    \"lastOffered\": null,\n    \"offeredTimeout\": null,\n    \"automaticAccept\": true,\n    \"channelProviderType\": 0\n  }\n}",
      "DispositionId": null,
      "EmailAccountId": null,
      "ExternalId": null,
      "StatusChangeAt": "2021-12-03T16:23:42.1299975",
      "StatusName": "Open",
      "UpdatedByEmail": "[email protected]",
      "UpdatedByName": "Demo Agent Name",
      "ContactEmail": "[email protected]",
      "ContactId": 10008592217,
      "ContactName": "Customer Contact"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!