
Case (AKA "Ticket") searching via individual user, single disposition to entire tenant.


  • TenantID - How your specific customer instance is identified, this will be a number. Find this in the app Help (?) icon > MotionCX Voice > Tenant:
  • QueueIDs - Numeric ID for queues can be found Administration > Queues
  • StatusIDs - Case (AKA "Ticket") status.
    • 0 - Open
    • 1 - Closed
    • 2 on - please see support for further options.
  • Favorite - Null, True, False to have case marked as favorite.
  • TicketID - Case number.
  • Priority - Assign a priority to case.
  • Subject - Case subject header.
  • OpenedByName - Agent who created the case.
  • AssignedToName - Agent assigned to case.
  • AssignedToEmail - Email of the agent assigned to ticket.
  • CreatedByEmail - Email of the agent who created the ticket.
  • ClosedByEmail - The email of the agent who closed the ticket.
  • DueDateFrom - Sort field for time. All times are in UTC.
  • DueDateTo - Sort field for time. All times are in UTC.
  • CloseAtFrom - Sort field for time, sort by who closed the ticket. All times are in UTC.
  • CloseAtTo - Sort field for time, sort by who closed the ticket. All times are in UTC.
  • LastUpdatedFrom - Sort field for time, sort by who updated the ticket. All times are in UTC.
  • LastUpdatedTo - Sort field for time, sort by who updated the ticket. All times are in UTC.
  • StatusChangeFrom - Sort field for time, sort by who updated the ticket status change. All times are in UTC.
  • StatusChangeTo - Sort field for time, sort by who updated the ticket status change. All times are in UTC.
  • Limit - How many results to show.
  • It is recommended advanced filter object be done outside of the API document for best results.

Responses available:

  • 200
  • 401
  • 403

Example return:

    "id": 2498405,
    "tenantId": 2,
    "statusId": 1,
    "statusName": "Closed",
    "statusChangeAt": "2022-08-24T22:14:08.7282658",
    "priority": 5,
    "subject": "Test Case",
    "queueId": 2051,
    "queueName": "Chat",
    "fileStoreGuid": "ce6ba6b9-8b48-dfe6-3ad4-78737f5f9e6a",
    "dispositionId": null,
    "dispositionName": null,
    "createdAt": "2022-08-24T22:13:47.6389813",
    "createdById": 13728,
    "createdByName": "Sandy Silverheart",
    "createdByEmail": "[email protected]",
    "createdQueueId": 2051,
    "updatedById": 13728,
    "updatedByName": "Sandy Silverheart",
    "updatedByEmail": "[email protected]",
    "updatedDate": "2022-08-24T22:17:21.7082688",
    "dueDate": null,
    "assignedAt": "2022-08-24T22:14:08.7282658",
    "assignedToId": 13728,
    "assignedToEmail": "[email protected]",
    "assignedToName": "Sandy Silverheart",
    "closedAt": "2022-08-24T22:14:08.7282658",
    "closedById": 13728,
    "closedByEmail": "[email protected]",
    "closedByName": "Sandy Silverheart",
    "source": 1,
    "lockedById": 13728,
    "lockedUntil": "2022-08-24T22:18:49.1835627",
    "irWorkItemInfoDetails": null,
    "contactId": null,
    "contactEmail": null,
    "contactName": null,
    "relatedTickets": null,
    "participants": null,
    "contacts": null,
    "customData": null,
    "mergedInto": null,
    "isFavorite": false,
    "richDescription": null,
    "parentTicketId": null,
    "contact": null,
    "assignedTo": null,
    "lockedBy": null,
    "updatedBy": null,
    "queue": null,
    "disposition": null,
    "status": null,
    "emailAccount": null
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!