
This call shows details about a particular Routing Profile.


  • Id - The id of the Routing Profile.
  • TenantID - How your specific customer instance is identified, this will be a number. Find this in the app Help (?) icon > MotionCX Voice > Tenant:
  • It is recommended advanced filter object be done outside of the API document for best results.

Responses available:

  • 200
  • 401
  • 403

Example return:

  "id": 6,
  "name": "Voice+Chat Test",
  "description": null,
  "workstates": {
    "workstateSetId": 2,
    "defaultWorkstateId": 2
  "queues": [
      "queueId": 2051,
      "priority": 1,
      "channelTypeId": 1
      "queueId": 2086,
      "priority": 1,
      "channelTypeId": 2
      "queueId": 2097,
      "priority": 1,
      "channelTypeId": 2
      "queueId": 2098,
      "priority": 1,
      "channelTypeId": 2
      "queueId": 2099,
      "priority": 1,
      "channelTypeId": 1
  "agents": [
      "agentId": 13683,
      "agentName": "load agent64"
      "agentId": 13684,
      "agentName": "load agent63"
      "agentId": 13685,
      "agentName": "load agent65"
      "agentId": 13686,
      "agentName": "load agent66"
  "chatChannelSettings": {
    "concurrentChatLimit": 2,
    "metaData": "{\"chatNotifyAudio\":false,\"chatNotifyDesktop\":true}",
    "automaticPickup": true,
    "screenRecording": false,
    "offeredTimeout": 30,
    "displayNewCasesInBackground": false
  "caseRoutingChannelSettings": null,
  "phoneChannelSettings": {
    "metaData": {
      "allowPstn": true,
      "callParking": true
    "automaticPickup": true,
    "screenRecording": true,
    "offeredTimeout": 30,
    "displayNewCasesInBackground": false
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!