Case Fields

Case forms in MotionCX will contain a default set of fields, while also allowing for organization specific custom fields. The default case form fields listed below are displayed when viewing or editing a case. Most fields will allow for editing if permissions have been granted by your MotionCX administrator.


Case Form Fields

Case Number - A unique, system generated number that is assigned on case creation. The Case Number can not be modified.

Case Subject - A brief description of the case that allows for quick identification. The Case Subject may be auto populated from inbound interactions, and can be modified when in edit mode.

Queue - The queue in which the case is assigned. If not in edit mode, the Queue name can be clicked to view all open cases within the queue. When in edit mode, if the current queue is configured to allow queue transferring then the queue field will be editable and provide a dropdown of other available queues.

Customer Contact - The customer contact associated to the case. If not in edit mode, the customer contact name can be clicked to open the Edit Contact window for the contact. When in edit mode, the customer contact name can be clicked to open the Select Contact window, or the following actions can be taken via the Actions button:

  • Edit Contact - Opens the Edit Contact window of the currently selected customer contact.

  • Select Contact - Opens the Select Contact window which allows for searching, selecting, viewing, editing, and viewing cases of existing contacts. To select a contact to associate to the case, click the desired contacts name.

  • Clear Contact - Removes the contact currently associated to the case.

  • View Cases - Opens a list of all open cases that the contact is associated with.

Customer Contact Call Button - When not in edit mode, this button will allow the customer contact phone number and case to be opened within the MotionCX Agent application. This is an easy way to follow-up with customers with an outbound call.


Click To Launch The MotionCX Agent

Assigned To - The user currently assigned to the case. When in edit mode you can click the Assign To Me button to assign your user account to the case, or click the Clear button to clear the assignee. If the Assigned To field is blank you can can select a user by clicking in the field and selecting a user in the Select User window.

Priority - A selectable priority with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest. Review your organizations SOP for guidance on using priorities.

Source - A non-editable field that indicates the interaction channel type that the case originated from.

Custom Fields - Custom fields can be added to a case form and are configurable per queue. These fields may be required prior to save depending on your organizations settings. Custom fields may also be conditional, meaning that by selecting an option for a custom field may result in additional options available for selection. Refer to your organizations SOP to learn more about custom case form fields.

Status - The current status of the case. See Case Statuses for detailed information.

Last Updated - A date and time stamp of when a change was last made to the case. This date is system generated when an internal update is made by a user, or when a case is updated by a customer through interactions such as emails or support forms.

Created At - A date and time stamp of when the case was first created. This date is system generated and non-editable.

Due Date - An optional date and time of when the case must be closed or an action is due.

Participants - Participants can be internal users or external contacts that have a relationship to the case. By default, the case will include the Assigned User and Customer Contact as participants to the case. If not in edit mode, a participant name can be clicked to open the Edit Contact window. When editing the case, additional participants can be added to by clicking the Add New Participatns button and selecting the Users or Contacts tab to find the appropriate participant. To remove a participant, click the Delete icon next to the participants name.


Participant Notifications

Depending on the case's queue settings internal User participants may receive notifications when updates are made to the case. External Contact participants will receive a notification when a Make Comment Public comment is added to the case.

Related - Cases that are related can be linked here. If not in edit mode, clicking on a related case will open the case in a separate case tab. When editing, a related case can be linked by clicking the Add New Related Ticket button and selecting a case from the Select Ticket window. To remove a related case, click the Delete icon next to the related case name.

Description - Free-form text that allows entry of a case description. The Description field contains a text editor allowing for rich text formatting. When in edit mode, click the Edit Description button to open the text editor.


Edit Description Button

Disposition - The Disposition field will remain hidden unless enabled for the case's queue. If enabled, when in edit mode you may select the disposition options from the dropdown menu. Dispositions can be conditional, meaning selecting one option may enable another option for selection. Dispositions may also be required prior to save. Refer to your organizations SOP to learn more about dispositions.