Queue Views

A Queue View is a grouping of related queues used to assist in searching and viewing information throughout the MotionCX web portal. These views can be used for filtering dashboards, searching for cases, and viewing queue status information.

To access the Queue Views page, navigate to Administration > General Admin > Queue Views from the left navigation menu.


MotionCX Queue Views

Queue Views

Queue views are displayed in the left Queue Views panel. Clicking on a queue view will expand it and list all queues within the queue view.

Creating Queue Views
To create a new queue view, click the Create New Queue View button from the Queue Views panel.

Renaming Queue Views
To rename an existing queue view, right click on a queue view and click the Edit button.

Deleting Queue Views
If you would like to delete a queue view, right click on a queue view and click the Delete button.

Adding And Removing Queues

Adding Queues To A Queue View
To add a queue to a queue view, left click and hold a queue name in the right side Queues panel, then drag the queue on top of the desired queue view and release.


Adding A Queue

Removing Queues From A Queue View
To remove a queue from a queue view, click on the queue view containing the queue you would like to remove, then click the X button next the queue name.