
The destination lookup provides an easy way for users to access destinations such as workflows, queues, ring groups, and other configured dial patterns.

To access the destination lookup screen, select Destinations from the left side navigation menu.


Destinations Lookup

Searching Destinations

To search for a destination, enter your desired search string and press enter or click the Magnifying Glass icon to display the search results.


Destination Search

Destination Calling Options

Destinations will have calling options based on your current call status. If you are not on an active call you may place a call to a destination by clicking the Call button next to the destination name. If you are on an active call and click the Call button, you will be provided with two options. You may Transfer your active call to the selected destination, or Conference in the selected destination to your active call.


Destination Call Options

Favorite Destinations

Destinations can be favorited by clicking the Star icon next to the destination. The star will become yellow indicating the destination is a favorite. Clicking the star again will un-favorite the destination.

To view favorite destinations, click the Star button next to the search field. The button will become yellow and only favorite destinations will be displayed. Click the Star button again to turn off the favorites filter and show all destinations.


Favorite Destinations