Case Statuses

The Status of a case is very important. It may trigger automated workflows to open subtasks for follow-up by another department, or put the case in queue for a callback. An incorrect status can lead to missed work, such as missing a callback obligation, so paying attention to the status of the case you are working is very important!


Default Statuses

The statuses listed below are default values within the system. Statuses can be configured per organization. Keep in mind that your organizations configuration may differ from the statuses and descriptions below.

Default Statuses

Open - New cases are created in an Open status by default. Open cases are being worked, or have received an update while in a Pending state and are again ready for Agent attention

Closed - Closed cases are considered complete / resolved. Many tenants choose to configure workflows that control Closed cases so cannot be re-opened by email replies, but they can be manually re-opened by Motion users by editing the case.

Waiting for More Info - Used if a case is pending an update from a customer or other User

Hold - Used if no action is to be taken

Rejected - Means of closing a case because it was entered incorrectly or will not be worked.

Working - A case is being worked but is not complete.

Waiting for Confirmation - A case is thought to be complete but needs to be confirmed as such

Needs Escalation - A case requires attention from a higher tier of support or a manager / supervisor