Merging Contacts
For historical purposes and easier case tracking, it is recommended that unique contacts contain a single contact record in MotionCX. There are times, typically when a user changes or calls in with a different phone number or replies to a case with a different email address, that multiple contact records representing the same person may get created. When this occurs, the merge contact wizard can be used to merge the two contacts into a single contact record.
The contact merge wizard can be accessed throughout the web portal via the Edit Contact window. To begin a merge, open the edit window for one of the contact records to be merged and click the Merge button.
Merge Wizard Steps
1. Select Contact - Using the search options, select the other contact record that you would like to merge with the contact currently being edited, then select the Next button. You may only select one contact record to merge at a time. If additional records need to be merged, the merge wizard will need to be ran subsequent times.
2. Select Data - The select data step of the wizard allows you to choose which data you would like to retain or set once the contacts are merged. You may select the field values from the Current Contact, Selected Contact, or enter completely different or missing data by selecting Merged Contact. Select your desired fields and click the Next button.
3. Confirm Merge - The merge confirmation will inform you that 'Merging this contact will replace all historical records for the current contact with the selected contact.' Click the Merge button to confirm and complete the merge process. Once complete, the merge wizard will close and the two merged contacts will now be displayed as one throughout the MotionCX web portal.
Contacts On Existing Cases
Once merged, all open or closed cases that contained either one of the merged contacts will be updated with the newly merged contact information.
Updated over 2 years ago