Searching Cases
Whether following up on a previous customer interaction, reviewing a customers case history, or investigating case trends, the search and filter options in MotionCX allows you to easily find the cases you are looking for.
To search for cases, navigate to the Cases > All Cases from the left navigation menu, then select the Tickets tab if not already highlighted.
NOTE: As of 11/15/2024, the All Cases page loads with a default date rage of the past 90 days. This is to provide a faster page load. Users may use the "Created By" date range filters to adjust the date range and search for older cases.
Applying Multiple Filters
When searching for cases more than one filter can be applied at the same time to help narrow down the cases list.
Queue Filtering
Queue filtering allows you to search for cases by their assigned queue. When filtering by queues, you can filter by a grouping of queues, known as a Queue View, or by individual queues.
Current View - To filter by a group of queues, click the the desired Queue View from the Current View dropdown list to select it, then left click outside of the dropdown list to apply the filter.
Queues - To filter by queues, click the the desired Queue from the Queues dropdown list to select it, then left click outside of the dropdown list to apply the filter.
When selecting a Queue View or Queue, you can search the dropdown list to quickly find items within the list. You can also select one or more options from the dropdown list to filter multiple items at once.
In addition to queue filtering, data within the columns displayed on the search list can be filtered as well. To filter on theses additional fields, click the Show Filters button. The search for each of these fields will be displayed underneath each column header.
Ticket # - To search for a particular Ticket #, enter the ticket number into the field and press the Enter key. Only exact matches to the number entered will be returned.
Priority - To search for cases with a specific priority, select the desired priority from the dropdown list.
Status - Cases can be filtered by one or more statuses. Select the desired status from the dropdown list, then left click outside of the dropdown list to apply the filter.
Created At - The Created At filter can be used to search for cases created on a particular date or within a given data range. To search for cases click the Calendar icon, select the desired day(s), then click Apply.
Subject - To search by the Subject text of a case, enter your desired search string into the field and press the Enter key.
Opened By - To search by the user who opened a case, enter the desired search string into the field and press the Enter key.
Assigned To - To search cases by their currently assigned user, enter the desired search string into field and press the Enter key.
Due Date - The Due Date filter can be used to search for cases that are due on a particular date or within a given date range. To search for cases click the Calendar icon, select the desired day(s), then click Apply.
Last Updated - The Last Updated filter can be used to search cases last modified on a particular date or within a given data range. To search for cases click the Calendar icon, select the desired day(s), then click Apply.
Tips For Filtering
Partial Match Search Fields
The Subject, Opened By, and Assigned To fields use partial match searching. All results matching the entered search string will be returned. For example, searching Opened By for the string 'John' will return tickets opened by anyone with a first or last name containing 'John' such as John or Johnson.Calendar Search Fields
Created At, Due Date, and Last Updated fields use calendar controls which allow searches for a given day or date range. Use the following steps to return your desired search:
Today - Click the Today button and click Apply to return cases created today.
Single Day - Select the day on the calendar that you would like to search, then select the following day on the calendar and click the Apply button. This will set your filter to start at 12am on the first day selected and end at 12am on the second day selected, returning all cases for the first day.
Date Range - On the calendar, select the day that you would like your range to begin on, then select the day after the ending day of your range, and click the Apply button. This will set your filter to start at 12am on the first day selected and end at 12am the day after your ending day, returning all cases created on the dates in between.
Quick Filters
Quick Filters are single click filters used for returning cases pertaining to your user. Simply click a quick filter to return the associated cases. Click the quick filter again to remove the filter.
- Assigned To Me - Returns all cases assigned to your user account that are NOT Closed.
- Created By Me - Returns all cases that were crated by your user account.
- Participating In - Returns all cases that your user account participated in.
- Favorites - Returns all cases that you have Favorited.
Custom Fields
If you have case forms that have been configured with custom fields and your MotionCX administrator has enabled those custom fields for searching, then the Custom Field search can be used.
To search by a custom field, select the field from the Custom Field dropdown list, enter your search criteria in the search field, then press the Enter key. The search will return all results matching the exact or partially entered search string.
Clear Filters
Clicking the Clear Filters button will remove all filters applied to your search and refresh the case list.
Check Your Filters
As filters remain applied when navigating to and from the All Cases page, It’s not uncommon to forget that a filter has been applied to your case list. If you're not seeing an expected case in your case list, check the applied filers and use the Clear Filters button to reset your search.
Updated 2 months ago